

麦克唐纳之声:一个学校. Many Perspectives—a multi-year series of learning and discussion opportunities—was designed to give stories about our past a greater voice in McDonogh’s present and future.

The series began in the 2021-2022 school year and was developed by a group of McDonogh alumni historians and scholars in partnership with administrators, 工作人员, 和受托人. 在第一年,节目集中在我们对历史的理解上. 在2022-2023学年, 麦克唐纳之声调查了20世纪50年代到80年代的校友经历. 作为2023-2024学年学校150周年庆典的一部分, 该系列的最后几次会议集中讨论了20世纪90年代至今的情况. 



小组成员: 老师Cynthia Cox, Mickey Deegan, Nancy Fleury, Rob Smoot和George Webb

21世纪的第一个十年即将结束, 一款即将普及的新设备:iPhone. 这个变革性的发明, iPod和黑莓的结合体, heralded more than just new technology; it signaled a new way we would access knowledge and information. Rapid technological change coupled with a burgeoning of new research on learning and glimpses of what life might be like in the future gave rise to LifeReady: McDonogh’s bold promise to graduate self-reliant critical thinkers prepared to do good in a diverse and rapidly changing world. 自2014年成立以来, LifeReady为麦克唐纳的教学方法提供了一颗“北极星”. 在本次会议上, 一组教师分享了LifeReady如何影响他们的实践, 他们分享了自己对麦克唐纳未来学术项目的看法.



Carol Croxton,校友活动总监
历史学家: 约翰·伍德,高中历史和社会研究教师
小组成员: 杰克·安吉尔18岁, Kimmy Hilson Carmichael '10, Dennis Chen 11, 艾丽莎·德尔加多·米斯菲尔德,12届, 埃利斯·麦肯尼15岁

Realizing the long-range goals of the 校园 Master Plan to make the core campus free of traffic and to create large communal spaces, 随着2013年内勒大楼的落成,学院发生了巨大的变化。, 爱德华街. 约翰学生中心(2013)和罗森博格校园绿地(2014). The new spaces demonstrated that McDonogh’s traditional values of community and family underpinned contemporary values of collaboration and innovation. Attention to this complex relationship between past and present gave birth to McDonogh’s LifeReady ethos and provided the intention to create meaningful, 麦当劳与校园之外的社会保持联系. 查理·布里顿, 谁在他的任期内培养了传统与进步之间的平衡, 在2018年将控制权交给了87届的戴夫·法拉奇. 



Carol Croxton,校友活动总监
历史学家: Jessica Levy, 04级,纽约州立大学Purchase学院历史学助理教授
小组成员: Lexy Apostolou ' 01, 格雷格·伯恩斯坦07, Tory Klein Hoffberger, 09届, 马尔科姆·摩西,汉普顿08届, 和Farah Qureshi Nur ' 04

The unveiling of McDonogh’s website in 2021 launched the School into a decade of adapting to evolving technology, 拥抱领导变革, 面对经济波动带来的挑战. 查理·布里顿在2007年从博·迪克森手中接过帅印, an innovative and courageous Board of Trustees stood firm on planned strategic developments even as the global financial crisis raged. 而许多机构在面对这些经济逆风时缩减了规模, 麦克唐纳表现出的自信让学生们, 和过去几十年一样, 去发现他们的激情, 建立持久的关系, 并在学校生活的各个阶段承担适当的风险.



主持人: 路易斯·海曼,约翰·霍普金斯大学多萝西·罗斯历史学教授
小组成员:大卫·霍兰德,1990年, 凯莉·卡萨普,94年的乔治, 格蕾丝·杰克逊95年, 布莱恩·比利,97年, 和Jazmine Eldridge, 1999年 

在1990年5月的基普林格图书馆落成典礼上, guest speaker Supreme Court Justice Sandra Day O’Connor made the following observation about women in America:  “The tide is running in your favor and the wind is at your back.这不仅适用于麦当劳的年轻女性,也适用于该学院的文化, 气候, 和校园. The 1990s were marked by the introduction of kindergarten in 1992 and the mid-decade construction of the Rollins-Luetkemeyer Athletic Center and the Clarence Burke Center for the 艺术. In 1998, the School celebrated its 125th Anniversary with a reenactment of the arrival of the original 21 boys on campus. 庆祝活动激发了一种精神,这种精神将带领学院进入下一个世纪. 在本期的麦克唐纳之声节目中, 90年代毕业的校友分享了他们对那个时代的看法.



Carol Croxton,校友活动总监
历史学家: Jessica Levy, 04级,纽约州立大学Purchase学院历史学助理教授
小组成员: Terry Booker ' 82, Alberto Diaz ' 89, Anna Dopkin ' 85, John Hung ' 84, Aliya Qureshi Poshni ' 89

Two major transitions in the previous decade focused the School’s attention within the boundaries of its vast campus, 面对日益多样化的社会所带来的挑战. The burgeoning development of the county surrounding the School required McDonogh to begin an ambitious process of strategic thinking that has yielded the campus design we enjoy today. 20世纪80年代也见证了艺术节目的演变, 运动的机会, 分区仪式,如闭幕式, 并且有意关注每个部门的学术和情感需求. 加入我们,在校园了解更多澳门新葡京博彩20世纪80年代的信息.



主持人: Carol Croxton,校友活动总监
历史学家: 路易斯·海曼(Louis Hyman),康奈尔大学工作场所研究所教授兼主任
小组成员:沃利·波士顿,72年, 伯特利·亨利,78年, LeRoy Katz, 76届, 金吉尔·库拉普卡·基纳,77年, 和诺曼·帕克73年

The dawn of this decade saw the height of anti-Vietnam War protests—epitomized by the 1970 Kent State massacre—that presaged McDonogh’s dropping of its semi-military tradition in 1971. 麦当劳于1970年完全整合, 第一位黑人毕业生走过蔡尔兹纪念露台. 当时的经济挑战推动了1975年男女同校的重大转变. 在麦当劳的历史上,还没有任何时候的决定能如此动态地重塑学校的文化. 加入我们,聆听上世纪70年代的校友描述他们的澳门新葡京博彩



Carol Croxton,校友活动总监
历史学家: Ane Lintvedt, McDonogh高中历史和社会研究教师 
小组成员: 50岁的约翰·比弗,56岁的汉克·切尔斯,63岁的约翰·西弗茨,60岁的迈克·科皮什,66岁的蒂姆·赖特

1950年代, 通常被描述为从众的时期, 稳定, 繁荣让位于20世纪60年代,这是历史上最动荡和分裂的几十年之一. The early 1950s witnessed the continuance of the Lamborn legacy as Doc Lamborn—the architect of McDonogh’s survival during The Depression and World War II—yielded his office to his son, 鲍勃, 是谁改进了学院的学术项目,最终使农场项目黯然失色. 

20世纪60年代,越南战争无法像第二次世界大战那样凝聚起全国人民的团结. The heroic image of the American military eroded as did the perception of the uniform on McDonogh’s campus and in the community. Thus began a decades-long metamorphosis of the literal cloth uniform into a metaphorical weave representing character. 也是在这段时间里, the first Black student was admitted to McDonogh under a plan of gradual integration that was completed in 1970. 和我们一起聆听上世纪五六十年代的麦当劳校友回忆他们在麦当劳的经历. 




以历史研究为灵感, 尼罗·罗素和他的同伙, 娜娜·巴度和珍·福特, 创作并表演了一段舞蹈,探索了几个互补的概念和主题. 他的作品突出了麦克唐纳(个人和学校)的两面性和复杂性。, 在困难时期创造伟大的重要性, 以及对麦当劳社区未来的前瞻性展望. Nile served in residency at McDonogh for two weeks in order to teach and incorporate the talents of McDonogh’s theatre, 跳舞, 还有福音唱诗班的学生.




Planning for a memorial to recognize and honor the enslaved peoples of John McDonogh has been in the works for nearly two decades. 这段旅程始于一群充满激情的现任和退休教师的工作, 工作人员—including retired Art Department Chair Oletha DeVane—and Board members who brought light to the importance of doing justice to the memory of people whose labor contributed to the wealth that was the basis of our School’s founding. The memorial will honor the enslaved people and be used as a foundation for educating students more fully about this period in history. 在本次会议上,首席艺术家Oletha DeVane和艺术历史顾问Dr. 莱斯利·金·哈蒙德博士. Lowery Sims讨论了纪念碑背后的演变和意义.  




历史学家Ken Lipartito博士.D., 佛罗里达国际大学历史学教授,商业历史小组主席, 和Patricia A一起. 华生,Ph值.D., 商业历史集团副总裁, are researching and writing a narrative history to commemorate the 150th anniversary of McDonogh School (which will take place during the 2023-2024 school year).

在第二届会议期间, 演讲者讨论了美国的奴隶制和奴隶贸易, 巴尔的摩, 新奥尔良以及约翰·麦克唐纳与新奥尔良的关系. They also explained how other institutions with connections to slavery have analyzed and expressed their own pasts.




纳丁·奈特,95年, Associate Professor of English and Director of the Center for Interdisciplinary Studies at College of the Holy Cross; Jessica Levy ’04, 普切斯学院历史学助理教授, SUNY; and 上学校 history teacher John Wood provided an overview of how history is understood and communicated and how various institutions and their disciplines have evolved in their understanding of the stories they tell about people who have been overlooked.


画廊展出艺术家Akea Brionne


艺术家Akea Brionne是一名摄影师, 作家, 策展人, and researcher whose personal work investigates the implications of historical racial and social structures in relation to the development of contemporary black life and identity within America.  A collection of Akea’s photographs was displayed in the 塔特尔画廊 from November 15 through December 15.
